HackerOne Insights

Insights across your vulnerability life cycle

Analyze vulnerability trends by leveraging the largest dataset of exploitable vulnerabilities, submitted by hackers and verified by HackerOne.


Go from insights to action

Get a snapshot of your security risk during a given timeframe and benchmark results against your past tests and industry peers—then chart a path forward.

Vulnerability trends so you can see your risk more clearly.

Understand the risk in your environment so you can work better with technical teams.

Track program performance and prioritize remediation.

Track key areas within your vulnerability life cycle. Drill down into program health to enable better resource planning and SLA performance.

Vulnerability knowledge is power—over competitors.

Strengthen your teams’ understanding of vulnerabilities relative to industry peers. Use real data from other HackerOne customers to make risk decisions.

The numbers speak for themselves


in cloud misconfiguration reports on the HackerOne Platform


in submissions for improper access control and privilege escalation

Top 10
most awarded

vulnerability type out of 10: cross-site scripting (xss)


Find out how you rank against your peers.

Hackers have reported 70,000+ unique vulnerabilities on the HackerOne platform. We make sure valid data recorded for any customer benefits all customers, helping you make data-driven decisions.

  • Know whether your high-severity issues are comparable with those across your industry.
  • Access data that classifies and assigns vulnerabilities using Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) and Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE).
  • See your most common vulnerability types, number of reported vulnerabilities, and vulnerabilities by criticality to understand your attack surface.