Section I: Clearly Worded VDP: Agency VDPs shall clearly articulate which systems are in scope and the set of security research activities that can be performed against them to protect those who would report vulnerabilities. Federal agencies shall provide clear assurances that good-faith security research is welcomed and authorized.
Clearly Identified Reporting Mechanism: Each Federal agency shall clearly and publicly identify where and how Federal information system vulnerabilities should be reported.
Timely Feedback: Federal agencies shall provide timely feedback to good-faith vulnerability reporters. Once a vulnerability is reported, those who report them deserve to know they are being taken seriously and that action is being taken. Agencies should establish clear expectations for regular follow-up communications with the vulnerability reporter, to include an agency-defined timeline for coordinated disclosure.
Good-Faith Security Research is Not an Incident or Breach: Good-faith security research does not itself constitute an incident or breach under the Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 (FISMA) or OMB Memorandum M-17-12.
Section II: CISA must publish impelementaiton guidance describing the actions agencies should take to incorporate VDPs into their larger information security programs.
Section III: Each federal agency must develop and implement a VDP.