HackerOne Blog

Researcher Community

As an ambassador, I aim to foster a bug bounty community in France and other French-speaking countries. I am building a large community around this topic and speaking at schools and conferences to raise awareness about bug bounty in general.
It was around 2017 when I started hacking. I suffered from misguidance and scams that were alleging practical hacking guidance. All the while, there was a lack of hacking culture and community available in my country. I promised myself one day I would try to improve both!
I applied to the HackerOne ambassadors program as soon as I heard about it. In fact, I was part of the first wave of ambassadors to join! I do bug bounties full-time, and HackerOne is, by far, my favorite platform. So, creating a community around this and bringing all the Spanish hackers together to do some fun stuff was perfect.